Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Pre-departure Training in Toronto

It's my last full day of training in Toronto -the past two and a bit days have been jammed packed with learning. I wonder if I feel ready to go overseas. I wonder if you ever feel fully prepared for something so new and different from what your normal reality? I guess at some point you've just got to jump on in. It's so weird to think that a week ago I was paddling my way down a river in Quebec and now I'm living in a house with about 18 super nice semi-strangers learning about the work I will be doing overseas and in Canada when I return and that tomorrow I'll be on a plane to Ghana.
In terms of logistics, I now know that I will be located in the Upper-East of Ghana. I'm still not entirely sure where I will be but at least it has been narrowed down to two possible locations in the Upper-East (I'll let you all know more when I know!). When I get to Tamale my coach will let me know where she thinks I'm better suited to be...I'm glad we're waiting to place me because I want to be where I will be most useful. However both locations are relatively close to each other and I know that my friend and co-EWBer will be in the other location so we will be close by. yippee!!
A bit about training. Our days are long - it's a 30 minute walk and "class" starts at 8 or 9 a.m and is suppost to end at 6 p.m but we have so much to do and talk about that it typically doesn't end at 6. From here we walk home, eat, relax for a bit and work on our assignment for the next day...sleep! We've been covering the basics about health and well-being but have been really focused on learning about "development work". The more I know, the more I wonder about what it really is...we've been learning a lot through the use of case studies - it's difficult to think of all the factors that affect something. On a surface value one could think, "seems like that could work" but I sometimes forget to look at the details and think about what people haven't told me to think about.
I have to go back to school for another session so I've gotta jet. I'm sorry for such a rushed post.
I hope everyone is doing well and hope you keep in touch :)


  1. Hey Claire,
    Woo exciting, almost time to leave! Who is your coach? Do you have one on ones with him/her?

  2. Hey Jay - Sarah Grant is my in-country coach.

  3. Hi Claire!
    We miss you so much here at KEA. It's just not the same without you. We all keep asking each other where we think you are. You should be in Ghana today, hope your flight went well. Please learn lots, teach more, have fun and stay safe. We can't wait for more of your posts.
    Take care of you,

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